If you are in need of systems that allow you to detect the presence of tumoral cells on bloodstream, do not hesitate and buy the products of the brand Biolidics that we offer you in the online store of Durviz.
Biolidics has products with which they can isolate unmarked cells so they don’t suffer damage and get viable cells for later cultures and derived research.
Biolidics: A veteran company in the sector
Biolidics is a medical technology company specialized in cell enrichment systems development, which combined with analitic tests, have a wide range of applications in the matter of diagnosing cáncer, On their prognosis, in the selection of treatment to be followed and in the monitoring of treatment. Which makes their products excellent allies for this type of disease.
From their wide range of products, the most highlighted is the one called Clear Cell FX1. It is a fully automated device that is applied for cell recovery that can separate and enrich circulating tumor cells or CTC, completely intact and viable small amounts of blood. It is powered by a biochip called CTChip FR1 – owned by the company- which is a disposable 1 use microfluid biochip. How it works, its simple, it is based on a blood sample obtained from the patient through a simple extraction. This sample is quimically treated to break down and remove red blood cells, first step untill white blood cells get isolated to let the study begin and define their posterior treatment.

Liquid Biopsies as a non-invasive complement
Liquid biopsies (tumoral cell on the bloodstream analysis ) have a lot of applications throught the different steps of the cancer treatment of a patient. In fact nowadays they are used on every stage of the disease, from detection and staging until personal treatment and posterior monitoring.
This kind of medical test called Liquid Biopsia is one of the most clear medical bets for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Nothing to do with quirurgical biopsies which are obviously invasive. And information obtained on blood extraction, tumoral cells included, can provide really valuable information for diagnosis and pronostic of a patient with cancer.

ClearCell FX1 from Biolidics is fully automatized in order to carry this test, and it doesn’t use labels. Furthermore, this machine plus the microfluid biochip CTChip FR1, achieves a CTC enrichment wich better addresses the dynamic and complex nature of cancer and is even capable to offer monitoring potential of live time treatment.
We must highlight, that Biolidics products, own numerous quality certifications, some of them are; ISO 13485, CE-IVD, class 1 FDA , EE.UU. registration and Class 1 NMPA (for MGI EasyCell system).
On our Online shopping website, you can find lot of products from this company, as we are official distributors of Biolidics in Spain. So you only have to visit our site to adquire them, Avoiding language problems and getting the best market price.
As always Durviz only works with most efficient companies from the sector, the most comitted ones and those who offer the best variety of products for laboratory tests.