July 2016
We are pleased to inform you that last April, Biosan successfully pass its quality audition and received the certidicate ISO 9001:2009 for its quality management system.
You can find the certificate at Biosan web site.
Biosan pruducts new videos
Biosan has released new videos on the use of vortex V-1 Plus, V-32 y MSV-3500. Those videos show the features and benefits of these devices, besides presenting compatible accessories.
Also they premier new video about microplate reader MPP-96 and QuantAssay software
New videos featuring microplace reader MPP-96 and QuantAssay software are ready. Videos contain a short overview of MPP-96 specification and extensive information about the software and its use. These short tutoriales show details about creating and runing an assay and how to get, export and save results.
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