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In Durviz you can buy products of the microbiologics brand.

Microbiologics is the name of a brand of high quality biomaterials that are used in laboratory actions. In fact, we can state without fear of error that it is the leading supplier of ready-to-use quality control microorganisms for quality control testing in the clinical, pharmaceutical, food and water industries. It is an American initiative that […]

Neptune MEA tested filter tips

Durviz expands its catalog of consumables for IVF with the incorporation of MEA Tested pipette filter tips. More information

REAL offers new screw caps compatible with the MINI & MIDI SYSTEM Concentration Systems. The new caps developed by REAL allow the sediment to be stored, once the stool sample has been centrifuged, in a simple and safe way avoiding odors or possible leaks. More information

Multichamber incubator Miri & Mini Miri for IVF offer

Table top incubators for IVF with independent chamber manufactured by ESCO MEDICAL. Take advantage of our offer and get a 10% discount for purchases until July 31, 2018. Apply now and we install it whenever you want. More information

2017 Barcelona Conference on Epigenetics and Cancer

Durviz together with Diagenode will attend the «2017 Barcelona Conference on Epigenetics and Cancer» which will be held on the 25th and 26th October in Barcelona. Visit our stand and know everything about Diagenode products. DIAGENODE, specialists in Epigenetics More information

The 18 Advantages of the Cryotech Method

Follow our weekly newsletter and know everything about the «18 advantages of the Cryotech method» developed by Dr. Kuwayama. Contact us to attend our next workshops. More information: marketing@durviz.com

New article in epigenetics from Diagenode

Read the latest publications from Diagenode, «Archives of Toxicology», in which you can find information upon genome-wide mapping of receptors in human breast cancer cells. Read more

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