You can now find covid-19 quick test for IgG/IgM detection in Durviz. An immuno lateral flow chromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies against 2019-nCoV in human blood, serum, plasma or also in a lancet blood sample. This puts at our fingertips an effective method for rapid diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in the person undergoing the test.
And all this doing a comprehensive analysis of the composition of the elements in the blood. So the detection of COVID-19 IgM antibodies tends to indicate recent exposure to COVID-19, while detection of COVID-19 IgG antibodies indicate a later stage of infection. Information needed to perform epidemiological studies, as well as the degree of involvement the disease had on the person.
And it is widely accepted that IgM provides the first line of defense during viral infections, followed by the generation of IgG’s high-anity adaptive responses for long-term immunity and immune memory.
Covid-19 quick test: IgM efficiency
Immunochromatography is one of the most relevant immunodiagnostic techniques out there. Its main advantages are: the simplicity and speed of the test.
Y is that more and more applications are being made of this technique, both in the field of tests, because no reagents or additional instrumentation are necessary; and in the clinical field.
This action can be performed using a simple device developed to detect the presence (or absence) of a target compound in the sample (the matrix). Element that makes up this test. It consists of two components: an IgG and an IgM, which allow to detect the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies independently.
Its operation is simple and very effective since the region of the IgG detection line is coated by human anti-IgG, and when depositing the sample in the analysis area, the possible IgG anti 2019-nCoV present, react with colored particles coated with antigens of 2019-nCoV present in the cassette. The mixture migrates through the membrane by capillary and reacts with human anti-IgG antibodies in the test region reserved for IgG detection. If the sample contains IgG antibodies for 2019-nCoV, a colored line appears in the designated region of IgG as a result of this antigen-antibody bonding reaction.
Similarly, in the IgM detection line, human anti-IgM antibodies are attached, in the case of a positive sample for IgM from 2019-nCoV, the complex formed together with the 2019-nCoV antigens reacts with the anti-IgM antibodies and a colored line appears in the corresponding region.
If the sample contains neither IgG nor IgM, no lines will appear in the test areas for IgG or IgM, indicating a negative result. However, as a check to ensure that the sample volume used is sufficient and that the procedure has been successful, a third line appears in the control area.
These types of tests are used for medical diagnosis and home testing, as well as in the lab.
A reliable and quality test
Given the importance of results in people’s lives and in the safety of their environments, special attention has been paid to test controls.
In fact, internal controls are included in the test. This is displayed on a colored line appearing in the control region (C) composing the internal control of the procedure. This ensures that the technique carried out is correct and that the sample volume used is sufficient. Control standards are not included in the kit, however, it is recommended to test with negative and positive controls as indicated by good laboratory practices to verify the test result.